For almost 52 years, a prestigious journal called CM (Canadian Review of Materials) has steadfastly reviewed Canadian children’s and young-adult books – lately to the tune of 700 reviews a year by more than 100 reviewers. Founded in 1973, briefly suspended in 1994 and edited for the past 28 years by Winnipeg educator Dave Jenkinson, the nonprofit targeted “kids, parents, teachers, librarians and professionals working with young people.”
This month, Jenkinson retired from, but joined the team of reviewers at The latter is a not-for-profit site, North American in scope, founded in 2021 for educators and parents keen to improve boys’ connection with reading. It features middle-grade and young-adult authors and their newest books. Longtime CM reviewer Yang Lim has also joined the team.
“We’re very proud to bring Dave Jenkinson and Yang Lim on board,” says founder Pam Withers. “To attract this kind of talent can only make our ongoing efforts to supply educators and parents with another reading tool, more effective. We hope viewers continue to benefit from our site.”
Illustration by Kristin Baldeschwiler, Pixabay Library