Author: Kelly Jensen
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
We all experience the world in a body, but we don’t usually take the time to explore what it really means to have and live in one. Just as every person has a unique personality, every person has a unique body, and every body tells its own story. In Body Talk, 37 writers, models, actors, musicians and artists share essays, lists, comics and illustrations about subjects including: Size and Shape – Scoliosis – Eating Disorders – Cancer – Sexuality and Gender Identity – Makeup as Body Armor. Together, they contribute to a broad variety of perspectives on what it’s like to live in their particular bodies – and how their bodies have helped inform who they are and how they move through the world.
Body Talk is a compilation of unique and interesting stories by a plethora of authors that provides insight and perspective to many of the issues that children, teens and adults face when talking about body development, diseases and differences. The authors provide personal stories about their lives that speak to various issues related to the human body. Concepts such as deformities, puberty, sexual function, body stereotypes, weight management, hormones, etc., are discussed in ways that allow readers to relate to, and take away something special and informative from, the experiences of the authors.
Kelly Jensen has a fascinating way of organizing these stories with witty excerpts, frequently asked questions and humorous illustrations that tie all the pieces together. Along with some of her own experiences, Jensen divides the book into quickly digestible sections that are easy to read and hold your attention. Teens and young adults especially can all benefit from reading this collection of stories, which offers a deeper understanding into the human body and the experiences that others go through that can often make us feel lonely and isolated. This book has an interesting way of making readers feel as though they are not alone in their seemingly unique developmental experiences, as there are others out there with similar abilities, disabilities and differences.
This book offers a compelling and compassionate message of hope and harmony in times of perceived confusion and uncertainty with the changes in our bodies.
- N.R.